Getting cat allergy under control at home: 8 simple ways
Living with a cat allergy is not always easy. Nevertheless, you don't have to miss out on a nice life together with your cat!
Dealing with cat allergies: cat-friendly approaches without stress for your pet
Some of the practices and advice you find on the internet are not cat-friendly and can have a negative impact on your relationship with your cat. For example, bathing your cat can be a very stressful experience for both of you.
While bathing lowers the allergen concentration in your cat's hair, the effect is short-lived, as the concentration returns to baseline within 24 hours of bathing. Keeping a cat outside, especially if it is used to living indoors, or restricting it to a certain part of the house, can also lead to increased stress levels for it.
8 simple and cat-friendly ways to manage cat allergies in your home and maintain a good bond with your cat at the same time, you can find out here.
What causes cat allergies?
Up to 95% of people who react to cat allergens are allergic to "Fel d 1". "Fel d 1" is a protein that cats produce mainly in their salivary and sebaceous glands.

Every cat produces "Fel d 1", regardless of breed, age and sex, and there are no truly "hypoallergenic" cats. As all cat lovers know, every cat is unique and the amount of "Fel d 1" it produces varies – just as everyone's sensitivity to these allergens is different.
There is no patent remedy for how to get the burden of cat allergens under control. Each measure helps a little, so a combination of different methods is often the best way to reduce the allergens in your home.
Symptoms of cat allergies
Cat allergies can manifest themselves in different ways, so symptoms can vary from person to person. Here are some of the most common symptoms of cat allergies that can occur:
- An outbreak of asthma symptoms such as wheezing and difficulty breathing
- Sneeze
- Cough
- Runny nose
- Itchy, swollen eyes
- Hives
- Exacerbation of eczema
Keep in mind that some people may get all of these symptoms, while others may only develop a few of them, depending on the person's sensitivity and level of exposure. In highly sensitive people, these symptoms can occur just a few minutes after contact with a cat.
Minimize cat allergens with Pro Plan LiveClear

Pro Plan LiveClear is a new one that helps you minimize cat allergens in your home – it's not meant to replace other hygiene measures, but to complement existing routines. Plus, it's available over the counter, so you don't need a prescription from a doctor or veterinarian to buy it.
8 simple ways to get cat allergens under control at home
Here are 8 simple ways to help you incorporate Pro Plan LiveClear into your daily routine and make your anti-allergen measures more cat-friendly.
1. Feed your cat Pro Plan LiveClear.
As with any new cat food, you should gradually mix Pro Plan® LIVECLEAR® into your usual food over a period of 7-10 days to avoid digestive problems.
2. Clean your home to remove traces of "Fel d 1".
Clean your home with a damp cloth to remove sticky "Fel d 1" allergens. Don't use too many chemical cleaners, because the smell of your home is important for your cat to feel comfortable with you.
3. Care for your cat's fur outside.
Get your cat used to being groomed outside – away from soft furniture. Wipe your cat with a damp or anti-allergen cloth to remove allergens from their fur.
4. Follow hygiene measures when dealing with your cat.
Avoid letting your cat lick your skin or clothes, and always wash your hands after petting them.
5. Vacuum your home more often.
Vacuum regularly. If possible, you should use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter.
6. Increase the airflow in your home.
Ventilate your home by opening windows and/or doors or using an air purifier.
7. Divide Pro Plan LiveClear's daily feeding into 2-3 meals.
It's important for your cat to eat their food at different times of the day, as the neutralizing effect takes place in your cat's mouth. If the cat eats in bite-sized chunks throughout the day, that's fine as long as it consumes the full amount of Pro Plan LiveClear. Pro Plan LiveClear needs to be your cat's staple food every day, but you can occasionally treat them to wet food or treats as long as you don't notice any changes. This depends on your individual allergen threshold. Make sure your cat always has access to clean, fresh water.
8. Feed Pro Plan LiveClear permanently and long-term.
To maintain the benefits of Pro Plan LiveClear over time, feed it daily and keep it cool and dry. If you stop feeding Pro Plan LiveClear, the allergen-reducing effect will also end. We therefore recommend that you always have a decent stock in stock.
source : Getting cat allergens under control: 8 simple ways | Purina
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